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Page Title

Building 8' Tall Pumpkin Sentinels

Plastic Pumpkin, PVC, Tree Limbs, Vines, and Spray Paint

Step 1:

Step 1:

Materials needed are plastic pumpkin with a pre-carved face, PVC, black spray paint, tree limbs, paper bags, plastic grocery bags, sprinkler tubing, duck tape, plastic wrap, and a heat gun.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Using the paper bags and duck tape, make long stems on top of each of the pumpkins.

Step 3:

Step 3:

Use paper towels to mask off your pumpkin and spray paint your new stem a dark green color.

Repeat this last step for every pumpkin you have.





Step 4:

Step 4:

Decorate the pumpkin with spray paint.

Here are how ours turned out.

Step 5:

Step 5:

Once the spray paint has finished drying, a nice finish that we went with was to paint the inside edges of the eyes, nose, and mouth with black craft paint.

Step 6:

Step 6:

Now it is time to make your sentinel body! For this, you are going to need the PVC and sprinkler tubing we mentioned earlier. To start off, make a frame for the body out of PVC, like the one shown above. You can either spray paint it first, or do it after wrapping the frame in plastic.

*Extra Note*

*Extra Note*

Try putting your pumpkin head onto the PVC frame before going any further to make sure that your design will work!

Step 7:

Step 7:

To create the fingers, we duck taped 4 short pieces of PVC together onto the end of the arm we had created.

Step 8:

Step 8:

Then, using the heat gun, melt the PVC pieces to create knuckles.

Step 9:

Step 9:

To create the rib cage, we used sprinkler tubing and lots of duck tape. We decided to go with a simple yet effective look, but you can create however many ribs as you want your prop to have.

Step 10:

Step 10:

Once your ribs are done, wrap it in the plastic wrap.

Step 11:

Step 11:

Now, use the heat gun again to melt the plastic so that it shrinks around the ribs. Be careful to not burn any holes in the tubing, though!

Step 12:

Step 12:

After it has shrunk, go back over the ribs with spray paint.

Step 13:

Step 13:

For the arms, you will need to collect tree limbs and sticks.

Step 14:

Step 14:

Tape the sticks on the fingers, using plastic grocery bags as reinforcement.

Your fingers should end up looking something like this.

Step 15:

Step 15:

Now, run sticks down the lengths of the arms, and wrap these in plastic wrap, and use the heat gun just like before.

Step 16:

Step 16:

Similar to how we did the ribs, spray paint the arms and fingers once you like the outcome.

Step 17:

Step 17:

Once you finish with everything, be sure to give your own Pumpkin Sentinel a few finishing touches, and.... You're done!

End Result

End Result

After those last finishing touches and getting them set up in the proper area - you're done!

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